By: Nanthana Sureshkumar

Mexico has severed diplomatic ties with Ecuador due to a raid on their embassy in the capital to arrest a former Ecuadorian vice president. On April 5th, the police broke into the Mexican embassy to arrest Jorge Glas, who has been residing in the embassy, to seek political asylum. Shocked by the extreme use of force to retrieve Glas, world leaders are condemning Ecuador for this violation of Mexico’s sovereignty. Following this attack, the president of Mexico has vowed to break diplomatic ties with Ecuador, as well as pursue this matter in The Hague. After the raid, Glas was taken from the attorney general’s office in Quito (capital of Ecuador) to a maximum security prison.  

Authorities have been investigating Glas for irregularities regarding his management of reconstruction efforts during the 2016 earthquake. He was convicted on charges of bribery and corruption in other cases. When asked for the reasoning behind the embassy raid, the foreign minister of Ecuador, Gabriela Sommerfeld, said that Glas was a flight risk and that they had exhausted all options of diplomatic peacemaking with Mexico. Hours before the raid, Glas was granted asylum by Mexico. Mexico’s foreign secretary, Alicia Barcena, said that this raid violated the Vienna Convention since Ecuador trespassed on embassy property without the consent of the ambassador. According to the Vienna Convention, host country law enforcement cannot enter embassies without the express permission of the ambassador since embassies are considered to be on foreign soil. 

This raid was condemned by many world leaders, ranging from the US Department of State to the Organization of American States (OAS). The common point brought up by these world leaders was the need for cooperation between Ecuador and Mexico, as well as respecting the Vienna Convention. The OAS put out a statement reminding its members of an obligation to respect international law over domestic norms. Barcena said that the government would take this matter to the International Court of Justice while recalling Mexican diplomats from Quito. This move has not only outraged the international community but has also put the president of Ecuador’s reelection campaign in jeopardy. Many see this move by the president as a way to secure his legacy after his term ends. 

Given these concerns, the international community and Mexico have condemned the raid as an attack on Mexico’s sovereignty. With the regional turmoil and an upcoming election, there is considerable concern for Glas’ wellbeing. His defense team has filed for habeas corpus following the raid to ensure his safety. Since the raid on April 5th, the embassy remains under heavy police guard, which has increased tensions between the two countries. 
